We now have a new online link so you can enter and access your Certificate of Insurance (COI) for the fields you are using. Please do not do individual schools as the County Board of Education name and address will cover every school in that district. You must have a COI for any field you use to practice or play on, or players will not be covered!
Use this link: https://landing.playershealth.com/wvsa-coi/
If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Acord by clicking here.
Procedure for requesting a Certificate of Insurance for Adult Leagues. Email us with the following info (you will receive an email with a PDF certificate naming that field as the Holder. These forms are good for one year – Jan 1 to Dec 31)
Club Name
Field Name
Address 1 (PO Box)
Address 2 (Street)
City State Zip
Name of Requester
Email 1
Email 2
Send your email to Kristi Acord by clicking here.