Welcome to the WV ODP Program!
Q&A about our program with WV ODP Director of Coaching, Peter McGahey! Link the link below.
Below is some information to help guide you through the tryout/training process and the upcoming season.
- The ODP program is a national program designed to serve two major purposes: To identify the outstanding youth players throughout this country to represent the United States in international competition, and to develop the top players throughout the United States, at the State, Regional, and National levels.
- In 1979, the program expanded, the organization became more efficient, and multi-year plans were developed. State Associations were encouraged to develop programs that supported and worked in tandem with National and Regional programs. At the beginning of 1982 a formalized program for girls was created, with the addition of a full committee (one member from each Region). From 1982 until the present, international events for youth national teams have increased substantially. The US Youth Soccer ODP has kept pace by instituting trials and player pools for five age groups in the boys’ program, and five age groups in the girls’ program.
- East Region ODP Mission Statement: To develop each player in the program to their full potential to enhance the enjoyment of playing the game; To increase the skill level of the players to raise the level of play in their local environment; To develop all players to achieve their highest possible level; To identify players of the highest caliber consistently to lead to increased success for the U.S. National Teams in the international arena.
- The goal is to be a nationally recognized youth identification and development pathway for US soccer players.
- Players are evaluated and selected on technique, tactics, fitness, athletic ability, and attitude. After tryouts, player pools will be created. All players must play on their birth year team – special situations at the coaches’ discretion.
- Some of the benefits of participating in ODP include Development as a player. The opportunity to train and play with the best players in one’s age group. Quality instruction from nationally licensed coaches. Quality competition. Games against other state association ODP teams. Exposure to Regional and National Team Coaches. The opportunity to represent one’s state, region, or county in competition. Exposure to college coaches.
- All ODP information is posted via the website and email, so it is important to keep your email address up to date and to check it often. http://www.wvsoccer.net ; https://www.facebook.com/WVODP ; https://www.facebook.com/wvsoccer
- A player may be selected on the pool team but may not be chosen to attend an event. This does not mean that the player is no longer a member of the team, only that they will not be traveling to that event. All pool players will attend the training sessions.
- The ODP schedule can be found at http://www.wvsoccer.net. Please check this site frequently as all ODP information is posted there. The WVODP Handbook can also be downloaded from this site.
- Commitment for all events is completed online and a player must be in good financial standing before the event before he/she is permitted to participate. Payment will always be available online, or you may choose to pay by check via the mail.
- Questions can be directed to awyatt9@gmail.com
- For additional ODP information, you can visit http://www.usyouthsoccer.org/east/odp-east/
Amanda Eller – WVSA ODP Administrator
Peter McGahey – ODP Director
Bob Gray- ODP Director
Dave Laraba – WVSA Executive Director
Randall Coleman – WVSA President
For mailings and payments:
PO Box 3360
Beckley WV 25801
For additional information please contact:
Amanda Eller – WV ODP Administrator